Designed for high-quality driving experiences Gas springs and dampers for the automotive industry

When it comes to adjusting seats, opening console panels, and operating trunk hatches and lids, a few characteristics are necessary: Smooth and easy is the motto. It has to give you that high-quality feel. And it should convey individualized comfort. Gas springs and dampers from Stabilus fulfill these three requirements.
They ensure elegant and safe mechanical function, well-defined component travel, and gentle damping of vibrations. And as the structural elements of a vehicle, they meet the high demands placed on them in terms of durability and wear resistance.

Experience drives innovation
The standard of quality in Stabilus components is no coincidence. For over 60 years, we have dedicated ourselves to the continuous further development of gas springs and hydraulic dampers, taking them to the pinnacle of the possible.
By developing needs-based model variations, we have expanded the application range of our products for the chassis and the interior. Wherever lifting, positioning, or lowering is needed, assets to you as automobile and systems manufacturer are compact design, a high degree of comfort alongside functionality, and innate operating safety.